Concise Minutes - Petitions Committee

Meeting Venue:

Video Conference via Zoom

Meeting date: Monday, 13 September 2021

Meeting time: 10.00 - 11.21
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:






Members of the Senedd:

Jack Sargeant MS (Chair)

Luke Fletcher MS

Joel James MS

Buffy Williams MS


Committee Staff:

Gareth Price (Clerk)

Mared Llwyd (Second Clerk)

Steffan Lewis (Deputy Clerk)

Samiwel Davies (Legal Adviser)



1       Introduction, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting. There were no apologies.



2       New Petitions



2.1   P-06-1172 Ban fireworks from public sale

The Committee considered the petition for the first time and noted that this is an area of concern for the Welsh Government, agreeing to make the Welsh Government aware of the petitioner’s concerns, and close the petition.



2.2   P-06-1174 Stop the Welsh government & public groups from making Wales a Nation of Sanctuary

The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to note that the Welsh Government have already consulted regarding the Nation of Sanctuary Plan, and the report demonstrated substantial support to this approach. The Committee also concluded that no further action was required on this petition and agreed to close it.



2.3   P-06-1175 Stop firebreaks during half terms. These are the only breaks teaching staff are permitted to have

The Committee considered the petition for the first time and noted the difficulties this caused for people in the sector. The Committee noted that firebreaks are an emergency measure to tackle risks to public health and agreed to close the petition and thank the petitioner.



2.4   P-06-1176 The Dignity Charter to inspire all citizens to become ambassadors of and for Wales

The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to note the response from the Welsh Government, thank the petitioner for raising an interesting and important idea, and close the petition.



2.5   P-06-1177 Provide Free Period Products for all Menstruating People in Wales

The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to note the forthcoming Welsh Government consultation on the Period Dignity Strategic Action Plan and encourage the petitioner to engage with this as a great way to take this campaign further. In doing so the Committee agreed to thank the petitioner for raising such an important issue, adding that they fully support the petition and closed the petition. Committee staff to ensure the petitioner receives details of the consultation once it goes live.



2.6   P-06-1178 Free school meals for all pupils in Wales

The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to forward the petitioner’s comments to the Minister as he draws up review and request that the review includes the costs and benefits of providing universal free school meals.



2.7   P-06-1180 Increase the teaching and readily available information on drugs in Welsh secondary schools

The Committee considered the petition for the first time and noted the importance of the subject. The Committee welcomed the introduction of a specific Health and Well-being Area of Learning and Experience, and the resources allocated to the Wales Police School Programme and agreed to thank the petitioner and close the petition.



3       Updates to previous petitions



3.1   P-05-895 Rosa's Legacy: Introduce a scheme to help people access veterinary care for their companion animals

The Committee considered the correspondence received and agreed to write to the Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales to clarify whether the Government plan to take this work forward.



3.2   P-05-1003 Demand an EIA now on the dumping of radioactively contaminated mud in Welsh waters

The Committee considered the correspondence received and agreed to write to NRW asking why they have not made public MMO’s application and ask them to place the documents and correspondence in a public file forthwith; and for a response to the petitioners’ comments and questions.



3.3   P-05-912 Supporting Families with Sudden and Unexpected Death in Children and Young Adults

The Committee considered the correspondence received and noted that the debate agreed previously had been postponed due to the pandemic. The Committee agreed to write to Business Committee requesting a re-scheduled plenary debate at the earliest opportunity.



3.4   P-05-1035 Allow birthing partners to be present at scans, the start of labour, birth and after the birth

The Committee considered the correspondence received and agreed that the changes called for by the petitioner have been reflected in the revised guidance, whilst also recognising this will be dependent on risk assessments to reflect local circumstances. The Committee agreed to thank the petitioner and close the petition.



3.5   P-05-1045 To make shared-decision making and monthly mental health care-plan reviews a legal requirement

The Committee considered the correspondence received and agreed to write to the Chair of the Health Committee to request that they consider focusing on mental health support in their forward work plan, outlining the concerns raised by the petitioner.



3.6   P-05-1062 Abandon the rt-PCR test for covid-19 testing as its unfit for purpose

The Committee considered the correspondence received and agreed to note that the Welsh Government has provided its rationale for using RT-PCR tests and agreed to close the petition and thank the petitioner.



3.7   P-05-1138 COVID-19 Weekly testing for staff caring for people with complex medical health needs

The Committee considered the correspondence received and noted that the concerns raised have now been addressed, agreeing to thank the petitioner for raising the issue and close the petition.



3.8   P-05-1133 Adapt the teacher training syllabus to include Transformational Coaching and Emotional Intelligence

The Committee considered the correspondence received and agreed to write back to the Minister for Education and Welsh Language highlighting the petitioners concerns and questions and ask how the petitioner could contribute to future planning for the teaching profession.



3.9   P-05-1135 Targeted funding for residential outdoor education centres, now unable to operate for 12 months

The Committee considered the correspondence received and agreed there was little further the Committee could do at this time and noted that this issue should now be taken up by local Members, agreeing to provide the petitioner with details of how to contact their local Member(s). It therefore agreed to thank the petitioner and close the petition.




Joel James MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

He has previously been involved in this campaign


The Committee considered the correspondence received and agreed to write to the new Minister in order to identify their opinion on this issue and ask if they have any new information to share.



3.11 P-05-1073 Create and build a new branch of National Museum Wales dedicated to Welsh involvement in colonialism

Luke Fletcher MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

He knows the Petitioner


The Committee considered the correspondence received and agreed to write back to the Welsh Government to ask whether they would consider rehousing the Tiger Bay archive within a more accessible location for the public and seek a response to the progress made in relation to recognising and celebrating black history in Wales.



3.12 P-05-1086 Create a National Museum for Welsh Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic History and Heritage

The Committee considered the correspondence received and agreed to write back to the Welsh Government to ask whether they would consider rehousing the Tiger Bay archive within a more accessible location for the public and seek a response to the progress made in relation to recognising and celebrating black history in Wales.



3.13 P-05-1069 Save the farmland and green fields at Cosmeston

The Committee considered the correspondence received and agreed that there was little further the Committee could do on this issue, and agreed to thank the petitioner and close the petition.



3.14 P-05-856 Ban the sale of puppies by pet shops and all commercial 3rd party dealers in Wales

The Committee considered the correspondence received and noted that The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Wales) Regulations 2021 had been passed by the Senedd in March 2021. The Committee therefore congratulated campaigners, and agreed to close the petition.



3.15 P-05-915 Call for better enforcement of puppy farms in Wales

The Committee considered the correspondence received and noted that the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Wales) Regulations 2021 had been passed by the Senedd in March 2021. The Committee therefore congratulated campaigners, and agreed to close the petition.



3.16 P-05-939 Immediate embargo on new dog breeding licences, licence renewals and planning applications until regulations are fit for purpose and enforceable

The Committee considered the correspondence received and noted that The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Wales) Regulations 2021 had been passed by the Senedd in March 2021. The Committee therefore congratulated campaigners, and agreed to close the petition.



3.17 P-05-1068 Allow socially distanced meets in private gardens to follow science and avoid isolation

The Committee considered the correspondence received and noted that the action called for in the petition is now happening under Level 0. The Committee agreed to thank the petitioner and close the petition. In doing so the Committee also agreed to note her additional comments relating to the petitions process and agreed that the Committee will take these into account as it develops its work programme.



3.18 P-06-1191 Abolish social distancing measures at all Welsh weddings this Summer following July 15th 2021

The Committee considered the correspondence received and sympathised with those planning weddings. The Committee noted that the action called for in the petition is now happening under Level 0. The Committee agreed to thank the petitioner for highlighting the issue and close the petition.



4       Motion under Standing Order 17.42(ix) to resolve to exclude the public from item 5 of the meeting.

The motion was agreed.



5       Forward work programme

The Committee considered how it wished to approach its Forward Work Programme and asked the clerking team to prepare a formal paper setting out options for conducting further detailed work on a range of future petitions.


The Committee agreed to seek permission to move its Monday morning slot to a Monday afternoon in anticipation of in-person meetings resuming.





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